A New Series Coming in 2024.
For centuries, lives have been transformed by encountering Jesus — from individuals like Nicodemus (John 3:1-21), Levi (Matthew 9:9-13), and the woman at the well (John 4:1-42) in the Gospels, to countless men and women today. Those who experience Jesus undergo remarkable change.
Encountering Jesus provides answers to deep-seated longings.
In Jesus, people discover the profound beauty, goodness, and truth embedded in His life and teachings.
Those who meet Jesus are moved to share their life-altering experiences.
Olive Tree Media’s next series is going to tell the stories of those who have encountered Jesus – then and now.
Host Karl Faase is travelling to Africa, UK, USA and other places across our world to bring some of the best stories from scripture, history and our time to show the impact of meeting Jesus. These stories will demonstrate that Jesus’ life, love, teaching, compassion and forgiveness is what the Christian faith is truly all about.
In 2023, Olive Tree Media conducted research and spoke to key leaders across Australia, UK and USA and we asked: what is happening in the landscape of faith and what is the future?
Of all the feedback we gathered, a few things stood out as the most prominent and pressing:
1. According to a 2021 NCLS report, 49% of Australians don’t believe Jesus was a real person.
2. The Church has an image problem and people are viewing Jesus through the lens of the church, not through his life and teaching.
3. More people are searching for meaning and are re-thinking the validity of the Christian faith.
4. People are going to follow and believe in something – the opportunity is to give them a compelling reason why it should be Jesus.
We believe our role at Olive Tree Media is to clearly and creatively communicate the message of the Gospel that is getting drowned out by the scandals and entanglements the Church has found itself in. We want this series to bring to life some of the amazing encounters recorded in the Gospels, and to couple these with modern day stories that show that Jesus still meets people in direct and personal ways.
Will you partner with us?
All of our projects happen because of the generous support of others who are passionate about presenting the message of Jesus in compelling and creative ways. We are inviting friends, followers and partners to donate to and pray for this new project and we’d love you to come on the journey.
We start filming Encounter in January 2024 and we hope to have it completed by the end of the year.
Whether you want to stay updated, offer prayers, or contribute financially, your involvement is crucial in bringing Encounter to life!
Click ‘Donate’ to complete the form and make a Tax-Deductible donation. You’ll be playing a key role in creating a project that leaves a lasting impact.