Church Campaigns

Church Campaigns

6-Week series you can use in your local church.

Media and Resources for Local Churches

Olive Tree Media produces video series that introduce people to Jesus and share stories of lives that have been changed. This was all started by Karl Faase who was a church pastor for over 30 years.

We have produced the following highly acclaimed video series:

  • Faith Runs Deep: unearthing Australian stories of faith
  • Jesus the Game Changer (3 seasons): why the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world
  • Towards Belief: defusing our modern day belief blockers

The heart behind our resources is to supply churches and pastors with quality and cringe-free media that empowers Christians to share the Gospel with others. This is why all of our series are designed to be used in churches and small groups, with a few of our series having specific Church Campaign packs available for pastors and leaders.

What is a Church Campaign?

Each of the above series have 10-13 episodes each. The Church Campaigns that we have designed are 6-weeks and cover the main themes and stories. They are designed for churches to run as a series across all their ministry areas.

Church Campaign Packs contain some or all of the following:

  • Sermon Notes
  • Video Clips
  • Training Videos
  • Graphics and Invitations
  • PowerPoint Templates
  • Children’s Ministry Programs
  • Social Media images
  • Worship songs

Preview the Church Campaigns

If you would like to take a look at our Church Campaigns, click below to view over in our Watch+ platform.

More About Faith Runs Deep

Karl Faase and the Olive Tree Media team hit the roads of Australia to unearth stories of faith from history and today. This series is a journey to discover where faith runs deep Down Under and what it will take for it to remain in generations to come.

Faith Runs Deep has 12 episodes that churches, small groups or individuals can use. We also have a 6-week church campaign that alongside the discussion questions, church leaders also get access to a sermon series, edited video clips to show in church services, children’s ministry resources and graphics that can be used in promotion.

Each episode is designed to give information and inspiration through academic thought and personal testimony that is engaging and thought provoking for anybody from a mature Christian to somebody exploring faith. Discussion groups can then be tailored by the leader to use the material to help their group get the most out of their times together.

We wanted to give you access to a sample of Faith Runs Deep resources to help you consider partnering with us in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus in Australia.

Faith Runs Deep Trailer

This new series seeks to demonstrate the depth of influence of the Gospel message on Australia. The team drove from the cities to the outback of Australia in an iconic Holden ute, unearthing stories from history and today of people whose lives have been changed by Jesus, and who have deeply influenced this nation.

About the 6-Week Church Campaign

The Church Campaign is a specific series designed for churches to run across all their ministries – services, small group and children. It’s an opportunity to bring everyone together to explore the landscape of faith in Australia, consider how we pass faith on and how the Gospel changes lives.

The Church Campaign uses 6 of the 12 Faith Runs Deep episodes as a springboard and supplies sermon notes, children’s programs, graphics for promotions, video clips, PowerPoints and discussion guide questions.

The Church Campaign covers the following topics:

Week 1: Will faith continue to run deep? – Episode 1
Week 2: The God of the Second Chance – Episode 3
Week 3: Eternity in our Hearts – Episode 4
Week 4: The Melting Pot – Episode 5
Week 5: That Other Religion – Episode 6
Week 6: The Least, the last and the lost – Episode 7

Karl Faase introduces the Church Campaign Pack

In this video, Karl Faase explains what the Church Campaign pack is, what’s included and why it’s a great option for churches and church leaders.

What are the next steps?
– Preview the Church Pack in our Watch+ Platform
Sign up as a Church Partner
– Watch the episodes and training videos
– Gather a team
– Pray and prepare
– Let us know how it went

Church Campaign Resource Samples

WATCH SAMPLE EPISODE: Faith Runs Deep Episode 1

Want to find out more?

Fill in the below form and an Olive Tree Media team member will get in touch.

More about Jesus the Game Changer Season 1 Church Campaign

This series is about how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. It introduces the person of Jesus and shows how his teachings have birthed some of our world’s most valued ideals: equality, democracy, education, health, women & children and more. To access, you must have the ‘CHURCH / LARGE GROUP ACCESS’ member levels.

What topics are covered in the 6-week series?

Week 1: JESUS
Week 4: CARE

What is included in the Season 1 Church Campaign?

  • Digital access to all 10 episodes of the series – 28 minutes each episode
  • Resource and training videos from Karl Faase
  • Sermon notes for the topics being covered
  • Children’s ministry program and resources
  • Kids song ‘Jesus the Game Changer’ by Colin Buchanan
  • Printable prayer cards, invitations, social media images and other resources
  • Artwork for a banner

Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 Church Campaign

The ‘To the Ends of the Earth’ series shows how the message of Jesus spread across the world, telling some of the great stories of faith and sacrifice. It aims to inspire Christians into mission and ultimately consider ‘so where is my ends of the earth?’

To access, you must have the ‘CHURCH / LARGE GROUP ACCESS’ member levels.

What topics are covered in the 6-week series?

Week 1: Jesus’ last words our first priority (Episode 1)
Week 2: New identity in Christ (Episode 2)
Week 3: Dealing with opposition (Episode 3)
Week 4: The Bible: beyond information, brings transformation (Episode 10)
Week 5: Crossing the cultural divide (Episode 8)
Week 6: The ends of the Earth (Episode 13)

What is included in the Church Campaign for Season 2?

All Church/ Large Group Partners can access the following for Jesus the Game Changer Season 2:

  • All 13 episodes of Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 – 26 minutes per episode
  • Sermon notes for the 6-week series
  • Children’s program and resources for the 6-week series
  • Worship song ‘To the Ends of the Earth’ by Greg Attwells
  • Kids song ‘Jesus the Game Changer’ by Colin Buchanan
  • Graphics and other visuals
  • Video clips
  • Digital Discussion Guide

Stories from other Churches and Pastors

What might it look like for your church to run Jesus the Game Changer? Here is the story of one church in the United Kingdom that ran Jesus the Game Changer Season 1 in the evenings and how it was received by the participants.

In 2018, over 200 churches right across Australia did Jesus the Game Changer Season 1 leading up to Easter. Here are some stories from these leaders and the impact this series had in their context.