Jesus the Game Changer Full Series (Digital)
A 10 part documentary series on how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Karl Faase travels to the US, UK, Australia, Singapore and India interviewing over 30 authors, speakers and modern-day game changers.
Topics of Episodes (all 28 minutes in length):
1. Jesus 6. Care
2. Equality 7. Leadership
3 Forgiveness 8. Education & Health
4. Women & Children 9. Wealth
5. Democracy 10. Reason & Science
These episodes are ideal for individuals and small groups. Discussion Guides are available, either as a 96 page paperback book or through a free app, available on iTunes or Google Play.
Note: this is a digital product, which can be streamed from any device. Due to copyright – this product is not available to be downloaded or saved to your device.
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