Hosted by Karl Faase and Fiona Hall, each episode features an interview with an experienced Christian guest who shares their expertise on a variety of topics such as Marriage (two sessions), Parenting (three sessions on Toddlers, Teens and Adult Children), Work/Life Balance, Dealing with Difficulty, Family Health and others.
4 mins

Episode 01 - Parenting Teens
PARENTING TEENAGERS with Collett Smart (Psychotherapist)
28 mins

Episode 02 - Marriage - For a Lifetime
MARRIAGE – FOR A LIFETIME with Colleen Hirst (Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist)
28 mins

Episode 03 - Encouraging Faith
ENCOURAGING FAITH with Julie-anne Laird (AFES Staff Worker)
28 mins

Episode 04 - Parenting Toddlers
PARENTING TODDLERS with Beth Barnett (Children’s and Family Facilitator)
28 mins

Episode 05 - Blended Families
BLENDED FAMILIES with Brad and Tracy Mackay (Ex-professional sportsman, and blended family of eight)
28 mins

Episode 06 - Marriage II Communication and Conflict
MARRIAGE II: Communication and Conflict with Colleen Hirst (Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist)
28 mins

Episode 07 - Work/Life Balance
WORK/LIFE BALANCE with Craig & Di Winkler (Craig is Founder of MYOB and Di is CEO of Summer Foundation)
28 mins

Episode 08 - Dealing with Difficulty
DEALING WITH DIFFICULTY with Dr Robi (Clinical Psychologist)
28 mins

Episode 09 - Parenting Adult Children
PARENTING ADULT CHILDREN with Dr Graham Barker (Clinical Psychologist)
28 mins

Episode 10 - Family Health
FAMILY HEALTH with Dr Gary Franks (General Practitioner)
28 mins
The Family Series consists of 10 sessions which look at the key issues facing families today. Drawing on their Christian faith and belief, co-hosts Karl Faase and Fiona Hall, together with their guests, discuss each of the topics and interact with the studio audience in a Q&A. The series covers topics such as Marriage (two sessions), Parenting (three sessions on Toddlers, Teens and Adult Children), Work/Life Balance, Dealing with Difficulty, Family Health and others. Guests include Colleen Hirst, Dr Robi Sonderegger, Collett Smart, Dr Gary Franks, Beth Barnett, Dr Graham Barker and more.
MARRIAGE I – FOR A LIFETIME with Colleen Hirst (Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist)
MARRIAGE II – COMMUNICATION & CONFLICT with Colleen Hirst (Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist)
ENCOURAGING FAITH with Julie-anne Laird (AFES Staff Worker)
FAMILY HEALTH with Dr Gary Franks (General Practitioner)
PARENTING ADULT CHILDREN with Dr Graham Barker (Clinical Psychologist)
PARENTING TODDLERS with Beth Barnett (Children’s and Family Facilitator)
PARENTING TEENAGERS with Collett Smart (Psychotherapist)
WORK/LIFE BALANCE with Craig & Di Winkler (Craig is Founder of MYOB and Di is CEO of Summer Foundation)
BLENDED FAMILIES with Brad and Tracy Mackay (Ex-professional sportsman, and blended family of eight)
DEALING WITH DIFFICULTY with Dr Robi (Clinical Psychologist)