The Men’s Series is a great Christian resource for individual and group use. Filmed in front of a live audience, hosts Karl Faase and Al Stewart present eleven different issues relevant to men. Each episode features a guest expert who is interviewed and answers questions from the audience. Topics such as Marriage, Parenting, Depression & Anxiety, Work, Health, and many others are covered across the 11 episodes.
5 mins
Episode 01 - Marriage
This episode of The Men’s Series looks at the topic of Marriage, and how men can better communicate with their wives, embrace their differences and set the spiritual temperature in the home. Cliff Powell, clinical psychologist and lecturer, offers suggestions on how to resolve conflict in marriage, and together with Karl and Al, look at what the Bible says about marriage. Message by Karl Faase. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Colin Buchanan.
54 mins
Episode 02 - Parenting
Colleen Hirst, says “its not so much what we say to our kids, but how we live our lives – it’s the role modelling.” From her experience as a Family Therapist, Colleen offers sound biblical advice to help men at every stage of parenting. Karl and Al, both fathers of young adult and teenage kids, discuss with Colleen how to negotiate the teenage years and honestly reflect on the joys and challenges they have experienced. Message by Al Stewart. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Simeon.
54 mins
Episode 03 - Faith
At 19, Toby Hall’s ambition was to be a millionaire by the time he was 30. On the show he talks about his path towards that goal and that, by his late 20’s, he had decided that it was all pretty empty. After coming to faith in Jesus, Toby discovered that real wealth actually comes from helping others, and is now CEO of Mission Australia, the major partner in The Men’s Series. Message by Karl Faase. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Mike McCarthy.
54 mins
Episode 04 - Sex and Pornography
Sex, in the context of marriage, is a beautiful and intimate gift from God, but as Al Stewart points out in his message, move that fire out of the fireplace, and it can cause immense damage. This challenging and honest episode, with the help of Dr Amelia Haines, looks at how to develop a stronger sexual relationship in your marriage plus some practical ways to resist the temptation of pornography. Message by Al Stewart. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Colin Buchanan.
54 mins
Episode 05 - Depression and Anxiety
Well-known Christian psychologist and speaker, Dr Robi Sonderegger shares his years of experience in helping clients battle through bouts of depression and anxiety. He offers helpful ways of recognising the symptoms of both illnesses, how men can look after their own mental health better and what they can do to help friends struggling with depression or anxiety. Message by Karl Faase. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Simeon.
54 mins
Episode 06 - Mid Life
“Travel light, travel slow, travel together” became Graham Barker’s mid life motto, after a period in his life where he found he was trying to do everything! Working out what really matters and investing in the lives of others are two of the challenges of this episode of The Men’s Series to Christian men facing mid life. Message by Al Stewart. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Mike McCarthy.
54 mins
Episode 07 - Mates
Jim Wallace, former commander of the SAS Regiment in the Australian Army, reflects on his years of service and the role of mateship in the Australian Armed Services. In his message, Karl Faase looks at several biblical examples of mateship, and also challenges men to have those “last 10% conversations” – difficult and often painful conversations which lead to personal growth, deeper faith and stronger friendships. Message by Karl Faase. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Mike McCarthy.
54 mins
Episode 08 - Money and Generousity
In recent years, the financial world has been rocked by greed. Professor Ian Harper, Senior Consultant with Access Economics, together with Karl Faase and Al Stewart, look at how men can so easily place their sense of significance, security and hope in money rather than in God. They discuss the biblical view of money, and that the antidote for greed is actually generousity. Message by Al Stewart. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Colin Buchanan.
54 mins
Episode 09 - Health
Dr John Best has dedicated his life and professional career to improving men’s health, both on and off the sporting field. As ex-doctor for the Australian Wallabies Rugby Union team, John is well experienced to share his insights and expertise on how men can improve their health. Improving exercise and eating habits are discussed as well as less well known factors such as sleep habits are also discussed during this episode. Message by Karl Faase. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Colin Buchanan.
54 mins
Episode 10 - Work
“People are happiest in work when their talent and passion collide.” says Rob Ware, Workplace Training specialist from Melbourne. Desirable, but not always possible! This episode looks at the role of work in men’s lives and what the Bible has to say about it – that we are called to honour God in our work and serve Him in our workplaces. Message by Al Stewart. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Simeon.
54 mins
Episode 11 - Finding Your Passion
Using the movie “Billy Elliott” as inspiration, Karl Faase challenges men to ask what it is that ‘feels like electricity’ in their life. Daniel Petsalis, the guest on this episode of The Men’s Series, gave up a career in the police force to help people in a more practical way. Now Manager of Homeless Support Services for Mission Australia, Daniel has found his passion and shares of his experiences. Message by Karl Faase. Poetry by Cameron Semmens. Music by Simeon.
54 mins
The Men’s Series is a great Christian resource for individual and group use. Filmed in front of a live audience, hosts Karl Faase and Al Stewart present eleven different issues relevant to men. Each episode features a guest expert who is interviewed and answers questions from the audience. Topics such as Marriage, Parenting, Depression & Anxiety, Work, Health, and many others are covered across the 11 episodes.
Cameron Semmens
Cliff Powell
Co-Host: Al Stewart
Al Stewart was the Director of the Geneva Push, a ministry supporting cross denominational planning, planting and growing of churches around Australia. He was previously the Bishop of Wollongong and the CEO of Anglican Youthworks. He is a well-known and effective speaker, author, and his leadership gifts have been recognised by his appointment as Chairman of the Katoomba Christian Convention.
Colleen Hirst
Daniel Petsalis
Dr Amelia Haines
Dr Graham Barker
Dr John Best
Dr Robi Sonderegger
Host: Karl Faase
Karl Faase is the CEO of Olive Tree Media and formerly a Senior Pastor for over 20 years. His one minute radio spots are featured regularly on most Christian radio stations across Australia, and also on UCB in the UK. He has had a lifelong passion to impact Australia for Jesus and now through his media ministry, is gently nudging average Australians to see that there is more to life.
Ian Harper
Ian Harper is one of Australia’s best known economists. He has worked closely with governments, banks, corporates, and leading professional services firms at the highest level. Ian recently chaired the Federal Government’s Competition Policy Review, a ‘root and branch’ review of Australia’s competition policy, laws and regulators, and is often asked to comment on economic and financial issues in the media. As well as being a top economist, Professor Harper is a devout Anglican whose book Economics for Life was the 2011 Australian Christian Book of the Year. He also co-edited Christian Theology and Market Economics. As a member of the celebrated Wallis Inquiry, he was at the forefront of financial market reform in Australia. He is Professor Emeritus at the Melbourne Business School—following a 25-year academic career—and is also a partner at Deloitte Access Economics.
Jim Wallace
Mike McCarthy
Rob Ware
Toby Hall
Toby Hall is the former CEO of St Vincent’s Health. Prior to this, Toby was CEO of Mission Australia—Australia’s largest national community welfare services organisation. During Toby’s leadership, Mission Australia established its Early Learning Services as well as Mission Australia Housing, and acquired ABC Childcare. Despite enjoying the fruits of economic success in his early life as an accountant with top-tier investment bank, Toby shifted his focus at 27 when he recognised the burden of unhappiness tied to wealth for wealth’s sake. Toby has an extensive background working as a senior executive in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Toby’s commitment to the poor and vulnerable, both in Australia and internationally, has seen him in leadership roles at World Vision and governance roles with two regional hospitals and health care services provider, Sterihealth.