Jesus the Game Changer Season 2

Jesus the Game Changer Season 2

The spread of Christianity across the centuries is a remarkable story. It has become a truly global faith which transcends cultures, social classes, language and ethnic groups. But what compelled ordinary people to face difficulty, danger and even death, to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth? Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 follows host Karl Faase around the world telling some of the great stories of vision, faith and sacrifice.
14 episodes
26 mins per episode


TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. This is a 13-part documentary about how the gospel went from a small group of followers in the backwaters of the Roman Empire to become a global faith in the 20th century. How did the Gospel spread? Why? And who risked danger, persecution and death to fulfill Jesus’ last words in Acts 1:8?

Episode 01 - Jesus of Nazareth

From an obscure Jewish village in a small first century AD Roman province, Jesus emerged and over a three year period was hailed as the expected Jewish Messiah. Jesus’ followers soon began to boldly call all people, not just Jews, to follow Him. The Christian faith spread through the transformation of individuals who then carried the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

26 mins

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Episode 02 - Paul and the Early Church

Episode 02 - Paul and the Early Church

Within seventy years of Jesus’ death and resurrection, the movement that began with Him had spread with great rapidity in the south, east and west. A key player in these early days was a Jew named Saul, later renamed Paul. Travelling back and forth across the Mediterranean, planting small groups of new Christians, writing letters to those churches, setting an example of mission work, Paul established the pattern for following generations of believers to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

26 mins

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Episode 03 - The Persecuted Church

Episode 03 - The Persecuted Church

Persecution runs like a scarlet thread through all the history of the Church. From their earliest days, followers of Jesus have faced varying degrees of oppression, opposition, and violence at different periods. Whatever the cause or level of persecution, it will occur as followers of Jesus seek to share His message to the ends of the earth. And often, we will discover that persecution can lead to growth in the life of the Church.

26 mins

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Episode 04 - Africa

Episode 04 - Africa

By 2050, half the world’s population growth is projected to occur in Africa. The presence of Christian believers on the African continent stretches right back to within mere decades of Jesus’ life. Ethiopia was likely the first region to have a native Jesus-follower. Missionaries from the northern half of the globe risked health, left family and gave their lives to share the Good News of Jesus with the African south. Now, African Christians are beginning to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth in post-Christian Europe and beyond.

26 mins

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Episode 05 - Ireland

Episode 05 - Ireland

Early in the 5th century, a teenage boy named Patrick arrived in Ireland. The son of a Christian in Britain, he was the victim of human trafficking. Enslaved for around six years he finally escaped back to England. Nearly twenty years later, he came back as a missionary, determined to carry the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth in Ireland. So began a remarkable 400 year period in the history of Christianity in Europe.

26 mins

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Episode 06 - Europe

Episode 06 - Europe

During the 6th - 10th centuries AD, monks bravely carried the Christian message to what was then ‘pagan’ Europe - Scotland, England, France, Germany, Scandinavia. They did so in the face of great physical danger, both natural and human-made. Whether facing Viking attacks on their monasteries, or confronting pagan religious powers, they gave birth to vibrant, transformational, reproducing Christian communities across the western European continent.

26 mins

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Episode 07 - The Jesuits

Episode 07 - The Jesuits

The 16th century was a time of enormous religious turmoil in Europe. Two mighty forces strove for domination: the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation. Out of the latter emerged a converted, brave, aristocratic soldier-turned-missionary, Ignatius of Loyola who birthed a movement that took the Gospel beyond the protective boundaries of Christian Europe, to places as far flung as India, China and Japan.

26 mins

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Episode 08 - China

Episode 08 - China

Christians have existed in China since the mid-600s AD. This far eastern nation has been repeatedly visited by a diversity of courageous, missionary-minded believers. China, today, is the world’s most populous nation. It is also, according to Open Doors, the twenty-seventh most difficult place in the world to be a Christian. Yet the number of Jesus’ followers there is growing steadily. This Church, having received its Christianity from the West, is now continuing the Church’s mission back towards the West. Today, Chinese Christians are heeding the call of Jesus to take His Word to the ends of the earth.

26 mins

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Episode 09 - The Protestant Reformation

Episode 09 - The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation of the Church was so-called, because a brilliant and courageous German scholar and monk called Martin Luther “protested” against certain aspects of medieval Church practices. This protest by a single monk eventually spawned vibrant new Christian movements and denominations, which further helped to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

26 mins

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Episode 10 - Bible Translation

Episode 10 - Bible Translation

In their desire to communicate the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth, Christians began to translate the Bible into the languages of the people with whom they shared that message. This pattern repeated itself across the history of the Church. Today the Bible, or part of it, has been translated into around 2900 languages. The importance of this has been that over the last two thousand years, and across multiple cultures, people from around the globe have been able to hear and respond to the message of Jesus in their heart language.

26 mins

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Episode 11 - Japan and Korea

Episode 11 - Japan and Korea

The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” So said Tertullian, one of the second century Christian apologists. In many ways this applied to the first Christian believers in both Japan and Korea. For over 200 years brutal persecution by the Japanese rulers sought to erase all Christian believers in Japan. A similar narrative unfolded in Korea. Korean rulers also sought to crush the growing Church. Thousands died for their faith in Christ but now thirty percent of the country claim to be Christian. Korean Christians are now intentionally taking the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth. It’s a fascinating story of similarity and contrast.

26 mins

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Episode 12 - America

Episode 12 - America

The arrival in 1620 of the Mayflower brought Christians from England whose primary motivation was a yearning for religious liberty, not a craving for wealth. In doing so, they steeled the backbone of the thirteen colonies that first formed the “United States of America.” That sturdy, resounding drive for religious liberty played a significant role in moulding the American constitution. Founding Fathers of the nation believed that faith was vital for freedom. Fuelled by such convictions, the United States became a seedbed for democracy, self-determination, generosity and Christian mission across the globe.

26 mins

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Episode 13 - 20th Century Mission

Episode 13 - 20th Century Mission

The Church in the West has weakened. The gravitational centre of Christian populations now thrums with energy south and east of the equator. Furthermore, the urbanisation of the world population has resulted in megacities blooming, into which pour people from every “nation, tribe, people and language” (Revelation 7:9). One result is that mission no longer flows from north to south and west to east. Missionaries from the South and East are coming to the West with the Good News of Jesus.

26 mins