Faith Runs Deep

Faith Runs Deep

Australian documentary series and resource Faith Runs Deep is hosted by Karl Faase. Join he and Jane Faase as they travel across Australia unearthing stories of faith. You’ll meet and hear about Christian leaders, missionaries, indigenous elders, sports people and armed service personnel who share stories of sacrifice, courage, forgiveness, acceptance and faith.
13 episodes
26 mins per episode


This new series seeks to demonstrate the depth of influence of the Gospel message on Australia. The team drove from the cities to the outback of Australia in an iconic Holden ute, unearthing stories from history and today of people whose lives have been changed by Jesus, and who have deeply influenced this nation.

Episode 01 - Faith Runs Deep

Welcome to Faith Runs Deep! While Christian faith is often seen as having a minimal or even a negative effect on Australian history and culture, we find through this series that is not the case. People of faith have so often been the forerunners in many aspects of our culture, including business, politics, sport and philanthropy. The first episode of this series introduces a number of our guests and how they see faith running deep in Australia, and Duncan Brown shares his personal story.

26 mins

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Episode 02 - Ends of the Earth

Episode 02 - Ends of the Earth

Australia was once seen as ‘the ends of the earth’, a distant continent where convicts from overflowing prison ships in England were sent as an alternative to the death penalty. As a missionary to the South Seas, Richard Johnson was the chaplain on the First Fleet. This episode looks at Johnson’s and others commitment to the Gospel. We also hear of the remarkable and miraculous personal story of artist Bindi Cole Chocka.

26 mins

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Episode 03 - Second Chance

Episode 03 - Second Chance

Lachlan Macquarie and his wife Elizabeth were dedicated Christians who believed in forgiveness and giving second chances. As governor of New South Wales from 1810 to 1821, Macquarie emancipated or set free more convicts than any governor before him. This episode of Faith Runs Deep shows how Christian faith and practice underpins many key values in Australian society. Roy Williams also tells his personal story, his self-confessed ignorance of God, and how he came to realise the truth of the Gospel.

26 mins

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Episode 04 - Eternity in our Hearts

Episode 04 - Eternity in our Hearts

The history of the treatment of the First Nations people of this nation is an awful story, full of injustice, which continues to impact lives and communities today. The Christian Church was seen as complicit and at times active in the process of colonisation. Yet, in the complexity of history, we find that the only people speaking out about the injustice of the time were Christians and those like John Gribble and Lancelot Threlkeld sought to bring the message and love of Jesus to the Indigenous people. This episode of Faith Runs Deep explores the painful past and the hope for the future that many have for reconciliation and restoration. Indigenous elder, Riverbank Frank speaks about Indigenous activist Bill Ferguson, as well as his own personal story of coming to faith in Christ and finding the stories of Jesus were not as he had once believed, hollow.

26 mins

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Episode 05 - Melting Pot

Episode 05 - Melting Pot

Australia is a melting pot of cultures. People from all over the world have come to call Australia home and have often brought with them aspects from their own cultures. While the First Fleet was forced immigration, the free settlers that came later started waves of immigration that continue to today. This episode looks at people such as JD Lang and George Fife Angas who came to this country as people of faith, and who helped shape this nation. We also hear Tony Hoang’s incredible personal story, who as a second-generation immigrant, became a drug-dealer at 14, was jailed, came to the end of himself, and had God break into his life in a miraculous way.

26 mins

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Episode 06 - That Other Religion

Episode 06 - That Other Religion

Australia is a sports-mad nation, often showing a religious-like zeal when it comes to competition. And yet, sports has not taken the place of Christianity in Australia. This episode introduces a number of sporting professionals, both from history and today, who found winning does not deliver true fulfillment and joy. We hear from Olympian Eloise Wellings, bull rider Tim Kelly, former AFL player Shaun Hart and racing car driver Andrew Fisher. Former NRL player, Peter Gibbs, also shares his own rise and fall story and how finding faith in Jesus saved his life.

26 mins

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Episode 07 - My Brother's Keeper

Episode 07 - My Brother's Keeper

Christian faith has often motivated people to make remarkable sacrifices for others. Founder of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, John Flynn, was an outback preacher who saw a need for practical medical help for those living in the bush. His faith motivated him to find a solution, bringing about incredible innovations and inventions that served wider purposes than those he had started out with. John Flynn’s story is just one of thousands in this nation where people of faith have decided to use their life and resources to aid others. In this episode we hear from Red Frogs founder Andy Gourley, Director of Fusion on the Mornington Peninsula Gemma Bell, and Bernadette Black tells her personal story of being a teen-parent and going on to found a charity devoted to helping expecting and parenting teens around Australia.

26 mins

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Episode 08 - For Love of Country

Episode 08 - For Love of Country

Anzac Day has been identified as Australia’s most important calendar day, demonstrating the reverence and respect many Australians grant the values of sacrifice and bravery. The sacrifice of those who fight for our country allows us a freedom and security, for which we honour them. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross allows us eternal freedom and security. This episode of Faith Runs Deep looks at how Jesus is often found in the darkest and most desperate of places, as many courageous military chaplains throughout time have brought His light and love to the warfront. Former Army soldier Dave Jensen and former Army chaplain Tim Booker tell Dave’s amazing prodigal-son story, showing Jesus is always there and ready to welcome you home, no matter how far you go.

26 mins

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Episode 09 - Grassroots

Episode 09 - Grassroots

The relationship between the Christian Church and the powers of state has always been difficult. The separation of church and state is often talked about, but one thing to remember is that phrase was actually about a wall of protection for the church from the state, not the other way around. Christian faith has always had an influence in the political life of Australia, whether it was our first governors, the foundational values of our laws or even the present beliefs of our politicians. This episode explores the beginnings of politics in Australia, and the instrumental men and women of faith involved. Former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson tells his personal story and how he came to the conclusion that he ‘can’t not believe’ in Christ.

26 mins

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Episode 10 - For the Glory of God

Episode 10 - For the Glory of God

Creativity has always been a part of our nation, whether that is Indigenous art that has been here for thousands of years or more recent expressions, creativity in all forms is often celebrated and lauded. As Christians, we believe in a creative God, and believe creative abilities and passions are gifts from Him. When people of faith use their creative abilities to produce works of art, music, media or other forms of expression, they are reflecting the very heart and nature of God. In this episode we hear from musician Colin Buchanan, creative director Cass Langton and creative director and artist Jane Faase. Artist Narelle Urquhart also shares her personal story of incredible hardship leading to a remarkable transformation, and how she expresses herself through art.

26 mins

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Episode 11 - Changed Lives

Episode 11 - Changed Lives

While large-scale revivals like those of John Wesley in England in the 18th century have not been as evident in Australian history, there have been times of significant revival and change throughout the years. Billy Graham came to Australia in 1959, preaching to over 300,000 people in both Melbourne and Sydney, impacting thousands of individual lives and starting new lineages of faith as people chose to accept Christ in their lives. Mining communities along the Illawarra coastline experienced revival in the early 1900’s, which led to amazing changes of behaviour and work ethic. In this episode, Indigenous elder Uncle Ossie Cruse tells his personal story of coming to faith in Christ at a crusade in 1962, and finding himself radically changed overnight. Karl also shares how his father was transformed when a faithful servant of Christ sought to bring revival to the small town of Tambar Springs.

26 mins

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Episode 12 - Off the Sheep's Back

Episode 12 - Off the Sheep's Back

The term business is often associated with the CBD of our nation’s major cities, tall skyscrapers and millions of dollars traded on the stock market in businesses like retail, manufacturing and mining. Yet, the beginnings of business in Australia have much humbler origins in the wool industry, which was started in Australia in 1797 with people of faith, John Macarthur and the Reverend Samuel Marsden. Throughout our history, people of faith like Samuel McCaughey have innovated new ways of doing things and expanded the business world, solidifying Australia’s mark on the world. In this episode, winemaker Tim Kirk shares his personal story and how he runs his business with his belief in Christ at the forefront.

26 mins