Church Campaign: Faith Runs Deep

Church Campaign: Faith Runs Deep

The Faith Runs Deep Church Campaign is a 6-week series exploring the landscape of faith in Australia throughout our history and today. It unearths remarkable stories of faith and shares stories of people who have left an imprint on our culture. Lead your church or community through a series that will look at the impact of the Gospel message and how we can participate in God's mission of passing faith on - cross culturally and across generations. This series provides an opportunity to share the Gospel, invite people to respond and challenges all of us to be part of ensuring faith runs deep now and into the future! Check under the Resources tab for sermon notes, children's program, graphics, training and templates that have been included.
4 episodes
26 mins per episode

Introducing the Church Campaign

In this video, Karl Faase explains what the Church Campaign pack is, what’s included and why it’s a great option for churches and church leaders. The Faith Runs Deep Church Campaign is a 6-week series to run across the life of your church that looks at incredible stories from history and today and explores how we can ensure faith continues to run deep down under.

3 mins

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Get Ready Video 1 - The Gospel

Get Ready Video 1 - The Gospel

Karl Faase takes you through a reminder to get clear on what the Gospel actually is. What is it we believe and how can we lead people to respond to the Gospel?

16 mins

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Get Ready Video 2 - Research into Australians and Faith

Get Ready Video 2 - Research into Australians and Faith

Olive Tree Media commissioned McCrindle Research to help us understand what Australians think about Christianity and the church. In this video, Karl shares some of the results and how it might influence your approach to running Faith Runs Deep.

17 mins

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Get Ready Video 3 - Practical Guide to Running a Group

Get Ready Video 3 - Practical Guide to Running a Group

In this final video, Karl Faase looks at 7 areas you might want to consider as you prepare to run Faith Runs Deep through your church, ministry or organisation. Subjects we explore include the venue, selecting leaders, creating a welcoming atmosphere and how to open an opportunity for people to respond.

19 mins