Jesus the Game Changer Season One is a 10 part documentary series on how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Karl Faase travels to the US, UK, Australia, Singapore and India interviewing over 30 authors, speakers and modern-day game changers. It is a documentary that can be used in churches, small groups or education settings.
Episode 01 - Jesus
To introduce the series, this episode establishes the historicity of Jesus, and, to a certain extent, the Gospels as accurate source material for His life and teaching. It also shows the centrality of Jesus’ place in the narrative of human history.
28 mins
Episode 02 - Equality
Jesus taught that each individual had inherent value – they were loved by God and worthy of love and consideration from other people. The teaching of Jesus, Paul the Apostle and Augustine (354-430 AD) soon after, shifted the focus from people being viewed only as members of families, castes, cities or communities, to being individuals of worth. This became the central plank of western thought and the foundation on which modern democracies were built. The shift to the focus on the individual and hence the foundation of modern western thought is directly attributable to the teachings of Jesus.
28 mins
Episode 03 - Forgiveness
‘Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us’ is the closest thing to a command in the Lord’s Prayer, the most famous prayer in history. Jesus taught extensively about forgiveness and His words have echoed down the centuries to be some of the most significant ever spoken.
28 mins
Episode 04 - Women and Children
Though Christianity is sometimes stereotyped in the popular imagination as a patriarchal religion, this is an inaccurate reflection of both Jesus’ teaching and the history of the Church. For His time, Jesus was radically inclusive of both men and women. On the whole, the Church has been a place where women have experienced greater freedom than in society. In the same way Jesus went out of his way to focus on children, giving them worth.
28 mins
Episode 05 - Democracy
Jesus is not often associated with having anything to say about democracy. Jesus did, however, teach about freedom, and many of His teachings had political implications that have been developed by Christians over the last 2000 years.
28 mins
Episode 06 - Care
Though Jesus interacted with everyone, more than anyone else, Jesus ministered among the poor and marginalised and He taught His followers to do likewise. Christians’ willingness to obey Jesus has profoundly shaped our world.
28 mins
Episode 07 - Leadership
Despite being the most influential figure in human history, Jesus did not follow the conventional patterns of leadership of His time. He gathered only a small group of followers in His lifetime and died a humiliating death at the hands of the Roman authorities. His call for His followers to serve one another as servant leaders is one of the most powerful and enduring ideas from all of His example and teaching.
28 mins
Episode 08 - Education and Health
Social institutions, such as hospitals and universities, had their genesis in the Christian Church and were motivated by Jesus’ radical example of caring for those in need and teaching everyone, not just wealthy males.
28 mins
Episode 09 - Wealth
Surprisingly, Jesus spoke more about money than nearly any other topic. Jesus challenged the prevailing wisdom of His day, and taught that all money was God’s, to be used for Him instead of for personal advancement.
28 mins
Episode 10 - Reason and Science
Despite the popular stereotype that Christianity is anti-intellectual and anti-scientific, modern education, academia and science are actually rooted in large measure in the teachings of Jesus.
28 mins
Extra Episode 01 - Game Changer
In this extra episode, Karl Faase introduces the main themes and idea of this series: that Jesus is the ultimate game changer. Hear from our guests as they attest to the impact of Jesus in their life and in our world. This episode makes as a great introduction to the series and can be played as a stand alone episode or before starting with Episode 01 - Jesus.
26 mins
Extra Episode 02 - Education
In this extra episode, Karl Faase explores the impact of Christians on education. Spurred by their desire for everyone to read the Bible and know God, Christians have pioneered universal, free and accessible education right across the globe. It's been a game changer for many, who previously wouldn't have had access to learning. This episode takes some of the content from Episode 08 - Education and Health, but expands it with new interviews. Use it in place of Episode 08 if you would like to spend more time on the impact of the followers of Jesus on Education.
26 mins
Extra Episode 03 - Health
In this extra episode, Karl Faase explores the remarkable history of Christians caring for those in need and shows how for many, this is an inseparable and essential extension of their relationship with Jesus. This episode takes some of the content from Episode 08 - Education and Health, but expands it with new interviews. Use it in place of Episode 08 if you would like to spend more time on the impact of the followers of Jesus on Health.
26 mins
Extra Episode 04 - Justice
In this extra episode, Karl Faase examines some of the remarkable ways Christians have and are bringing justice to our world. This episode looks at the incredible work of Martin Luther King Jnr and also tells some stories of game-changing Christians caring for orphans in our modern day world through foster caring. This episode is an excellent addition to our 10-part series and will move you to consider whether your faith can be real without acts of justice.
26 mins
A 10 part documentary series on how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Karl Faase travels to the US, UK, Australia, Singapore and India interviewing over 30 authors, speakers and modern-day game changers.
Brian Rosner
Brian Rosner is a New Testament scholar of international reputation, and the Principal of Ridley College in Melbourne. In the 1990s, Brian worked as a lecturer in New Testament at the University of Aberdeen, and from 2001 he taught New Testament and Ethics at Moore Theological College. He is a member of the international society of New Testament scholars, a member the Holman Christian Standard Bible Translation Oversight Committee, and is the author or editor of a dozen books, including Greed as Idolatry, Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God, and the co-edited New Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Brian is also passionate about promoting the gospel in the public sphere and is a fellow of The Centre for Public Christianity. In recent years his articles have appeared in The Age and The Australian, and he has been interviewed on Compass and The Spirit of Things.
Christine Caine
Christine Caine is an Australian activist, evangelist, and international speaker who travels the globe preaching, teaching, and advocating for justice. She and her husband Nick founded A21, an anti-human trafficking organization that fights slavery around the globe. Christine has a heart for freeing captives, both physically and spiritually, but ultimately it comes back to her primary focus: building the Church Caine also founded Equip & Empower Ministries, which seeks to aid the development and growth of Christian churches and church leaders. In 2015, Caine founded Propel Women, an organization designed to honour the calling of every woman, empower her to lead, equip her for success, and develop a sense of God-given purpose. Caine has written several books, including A Life Unleashed, Run to Win, Can I Have (And Do) It All, Please?, Undaunted, and Unstoppable.
Dale Kuehne
Dale Kuehne is the professor of Ethics, Economics, and the Common Good at Saint Anselm College. He was the Founding Director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College. Kuehne is the author of Massachusetts Congregationalist Political Thought, 1760-1790: The Design of Heaven and, most recently, Sex and the iWorld: Rethinking Relationship Beyond an Age of Individualism. His current research focuses on the relationship between Christianity, Politics, and Human Sexuality. Kuehne was ordained as a minister by the Evangelical Covenant Church of America in 2001, and served as the pastor of the Emmanuel Covenant Church in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Darrell Bock
Dr. Darrell L. Bock is Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Recognized as one of the foremost scholars in Christianity, Dr. Bock has been a frequent speaker at conferences around the world and has been a guest lecturer or adjunct professor at more than 50 institutions, lecturing across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. In addition to teaching, Dr. Bock is an ordained associate pastor who has served several congregations. As well as being the editor at large for Christianity Today, Dr. Bock has penned articles for multiple periodicals, and his numerous publications include the books Studying the Historical Jesus, Jesus According to Scripture, and Luke: The NIV Application Commentary. His book Breaking the Da Vinci Code made the New York Times Best Seller List. He also helped translate The New Living Bible.
Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas is a radio host and bestselling author of Bonhoeffer, Miracles, and Amazing Grace, among others. He has written more than thirty children’s books, including the bestsellers Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving and It’s Time to Sleep, My Love. In the realm of media for children, Eric was also editorial director for Rabbit Ears Productions, and worked as a writer for VeggieTales. Eric is the host of the Eric Metaxas Show, a nationally syndicated radio program heard in more than 120 cities around the US. He is the founder and host of Socrates in the City: Conversations on the Examined Life, an event series of entertaining and thought-provoking discussions on 'life, God, and other small topics,' featuring a wide array of luminaries. Metaxas is a respected cultural commentator on religious issues, and in 2011 was the 17th recipient of the Canterbury Medal awarded by the Becket Fund for Religious Freedom.
George Savvides
George has spent 30 years leading and working in the healthcare sector – with major leadership roles that involved listing two of those companies on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). George also lends his expertise on numerous company and charity boards, serving as Chairman and as patron.
Hashim Garrett
ashim Garrett is an international speaker and founder of consulting company Wisdom & Understanding. He focuses on uncovering the causes of conflict and emphasising the importance of forgiveness as part of the solution. At 15 years of age, Garrett was shot six times. This shooting left him paralysed from the waist down, filled with anger and a desire for revenge. However, after several months he realized that forgiving the perpetrator was the only power that would free him to move forward positively. From 1995-2001, Hashim was Violence Prevention Coordinator at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, speaking to children about the causes of conflicts. In 2006, Garrett joined Breaking The Cycle, an international award-winning program stressing honest communication and forgiveness as a way of resolving conflicts.
I’Ching Thomas
John Anderson AO is former Australian politician whose political career within the Commonwealth spanned nearly two decades. He served as a Member of Parliament (Gwydir) from 1989 to 2007 and as the Deputy Prime Minister from 1999 to 2005. He was also the leader of the National Party of Australia during his time as Deputy PM. John is currently the Chair of the Federal Government’s INLAND RAIL Implementation Group. I’Ching Thomas is an apologist and director at Operation Mobilization (OM), based in Singapore. Following several years in the corporate business world, I’Ching joined OM as a missionary to a Middle Eastern country. There, she served as the director of a short-term missions program (Global Challenge) where she was instrumental in strategically building the program and spearheading efforts in reaching the most unreached part of the field. I’Ching attended Biola University in California, where she received an M.A. in Christian Apologetics. Her study interests include ethics and cultural apologetics, while her area of specialty is in the relevance of Christianity in Eastern Culture. Based in Singapore, she was the Asia Director of Training for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) for nine years, before returning to OM as their International Director of Leadership Development in 2016. I’Ching is often invited to speak at universities, churches and conferences throughout the region.
Ian Harper
Ian Harper is one of Australia’s best known economists. He has worked closely with governments, banks, corporates, and leading professional services firms at the highest level. Ian recently chaired the Federal Government’s Competition Policy Review, a ‘root and branch’ review of Australia’s competition policy, laws and regulators, and is often asked to comment on economic and financial issues in the media. As well as being a top economist, Professor Harper is a devout Anglican whose book Economics for Life was the 2011 Australian Christian Book of the Year. He also co-edited Christian Theology and Market Economics. As a member of the celebrated Wallis Inquiry, he was at the forefront of financial market reform in Australia. He is Professor Emeritus at the Melbourne Business School—following a 25-year academic career—and is also a partner at Deloitte Access Economics.
Jago Wynne
Jago is Rector at Holy Trinity Clapham. He was formerly a minister at both Holy Trinity Brompton and All Souls, Langham Place. He is the author of Working without Wilting and 100% Christianity: How the Gospel Changes Everything. Jago’s writing promotes his belief that people can flourish in their work and keep their faith intact, if properly prepared.
James Orr
James Orr is the McDonald Postdoctoral Fellow in Theology, Ethics, and Public Life at Christ Church, University of Oxford. His work blends philosophy, theology, and metaethics, and he has published articles on Edith Stein, Martin Heidegger, Immanual Kant, and Thomas Aquinas, among others. Dr Orr has also participated in a number of public debates with prominent atheists. Dr Orr is currently the Director of Trinity Forum Oxford and Cambridge, organisations that host speakers of distinction from a wide variety of intellectual backgrounds to engage with questions at the intersection of faith, politics, culture, and public life. He is a Visiting Lecturer at St. Paul’s Theological Centre and St. Mellitus College and a member of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s advisory group, the Lambeth Partnership.
Jo Vitale
Jo Vitale is an Apologist and an Associate Tutor at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA). She received a first class degree in Theology from the University of Oxford. She also completed a Master of Studies in Biblical Interpretation and has recently submitted her doctoral thesis on the topic of Women and Beauty in the Old Testament. Jo speaks at universities, conferences, churches, and schools both in the UK and abroad on a variety of subjects, including the historical reliability of the Bible, whether the Bible is sexist, and the character of God in the Bible. Jo and her husband Vince attend St Aldate’s Church, Oxford, where Jo served on the leadership team of the student ministry.
John Anderson
– Australian Politician and Commentator John Anderson served as the 11th Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and leader of the National Party 1999-2005. He was a member of the House of Representatives 1989-2007. After politics, John launched a web-based program, Conversations with John Anderson and is well known for his social commentary on politics and faith. He is also a farmer in Regional NSW.
John Dickson
John Dickson is a writer, speaker, historian of religion, media presenter, Anglican minister, and director of a multi-media think tank. John is also an Honorary Fellow of the Department of Ancient History (Macquarie), and teaches a course on the Historical Jesus at the University of Sydney. He is committed to delivering creative, engaging content grounded in careful thought. John has published over a dozen titles, including the award-winning Simply Christianity: Beyond Religion, and A Spectator’s Guide to World Religions, as well as various academic books and articles. His book The Christ Files was made into a four-part documentary which aired nationally in 2008. His more recent Life of Jesus aired in 2009. John is also a founding director of the Centre for Public Christianity (CPX), an independent research and media company promoting informed discussion about social, ethical and religious issues in modern life.
John Ortberg
John Ortberg is the senior pastor at Menlo Church. John’s teaching centres around how faith in Christ can impact our everyday lives with God. He has written books on spiritual formation including, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Who is This Man?, The Me I Want To Be, Soul Keeping, and most recently, All The Places To Go. John teaches around the world at conferences and churches. Prior to joining Menlo Church, John served as teaching pastor at Chicago’s Willow Creek Community Church. He is a member of the Board of Trustees at Fuller Seminary, where he has also served as an adjunct faculty member. He is on the board for the Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation, and has served on the board of Christianity Today International. He can be followed on X (formerly Twitter) (@johnortberg).
John Rinehart
John Rinehart is a California-based writer and speaker and the author of Gospel Patrons. With a background in both business and ministry, John now speaks and writes full-time to help ministries, churches, and individuals accomplish the good works God has given them to do. His messages help business and ministry leaders pursue a passion for Jesus and find their part to play in the Great Commission. Gospel Patrons has evolved beyond the book into a network devoted to raising up generous business leaders around the world as 'gospel patrons,' dedicated to furthering the spread of the gospel in major cities all over the globe.
John Swinton
Dr John Swinton is one of the world’s leading thinkers on disability theology. John is Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care at the University of Aberdeen, and an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland who for more than a decade worked as a registered nurse specializing in psychiatry and learning disabilities. His work has a dual focus on the relationship between spirituality and health and the theology of disability. He is the author and co-author of multiple books, including Spirituality and Mental Health Care, Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader, and Dementia: Living in the Memories of God. In 2004, he founded the University of Aberdeen’s Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability. In 2015, John co-founded the Purple Bike Project, which looks to help persons living with dementia to find a sense of community, dignity, and belonging, and also to have their spiritual needs recognised and met.
Jonathan Hill
Jonathan Hill is a British Theologian and Lecturer in Philosophy of Religion at the University of Exeter. He is the author of the highly acclaimed History of Christian Thought as well as The Zondervan Handbook to the History of Christianity and The Crucible of Christianity, among others. Jonathan’s work shifts between an academic focus—with particular interest in the doctrine of incarnation—and providing a general readership with overviews of such broad topics as church history, the history of theology, and philosophy of religion. His popular writing aims to convey just why the study of theology and philosophy of religion is so interesting and relevant for people today.
Jossy Chacko
Jossy Chacko is the Founder and International Director of Empart, an organisation that seeks to see the unreached people of Asia transformed through the planting of churches by indigenous Christian leaders. Jossy’s life was changed forever by an encounter with an eight year old homeless boy from the slums of Delhi, culminating in the establishment of Empart in 1998. Jossy’s book, Madness!, describes this and other critical encounters in his journey. Under Jossy’s leadership, Empart grew from the spare bedroom of the Chacko’s home to become a prolific church planting movement, bringing both spiritual and social transformation to unreached communities. Empart now averages about 3 new church plants every day, reaching about 6.5 million people every week through its various activities.
Mary Jo Sharp
Mary Jo is a former atheist who 'thought religion was for the weak-minded.' She now holds a Masters in Christian Apologetics and is the first woman to become a Certified Apologetics Instructor through the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Mary Jo is an assistant professor of apologetics at Houston Baptist University, on faculty with Summit Ministries, and an author of the top-selling Bible study, 'Why Do You Believe That?' among other works. Mary founded Confident Christianity, an apologetics ministry that addresses the hard questions of Christianity. She is a leading Christian apologist, professor, author, and debater, and has authored several apologetics-focused Bible studies, including contributing to The Gospel Project’s 'A God-Centered Worldview.' A clear communicator with a heart for people, she finds great joy in sharing the deep truths of her Lord and Saviour.
Michelle Tepper
Michelle Tepper is an itinerant speaker in the US, teaching worldwide on a number of subjects, including the problem of pain, God’s character, sex, relationships, and love. Michelle is a former graduate and now an Associate of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) and a gifted communicator and Christian apologist. Michelle engages on a variety of faith issues in various forums around the UK, as well as across Canada and North America. She spent six years as a full-time Student Pastor at St. Aldates, a thriving student church located in the heart of Oxford, before relocating to the US. Michelle is currently writing about changing attitudes towards.
Miroslav Volf
Miroslav Volf is a theologian and public intellectual who is one of the most celebrated theologians living today. Volf currently serves as the Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School and Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, which he founded. He is the author of numerous books including Exclusion and Embrace, which was named by Christianity Today as one of the 100 Most Influential Books of the Twentieth Century. He has served as an advisor for the White House and for several years co-taught a course at Yale with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on globalization. Volf is a frequent commentator on religious and cultural issues in popular media outlets such as CNN, NPR, and Al Jazeera.
Paula Gooder
Dr Paula Gooder is a writer and lecturer in Biblical Studies. Her research areas include the writings of Paul the Apostle, New Testament Interpretation, and the development of Ministry in the New Testament Period. She is the author of numerous books, including Body: Biblical Spirituality for the Whole Person, Heaven, Journey to the Manger, and Lentwise. Her passion is to ignite people’s enthusiasm for reading the Bible today, communicating the best of biblical scholarship to an audience that would otherwise not read it. She is the Theologian in Residence for the Bible Society and also holds a number of honorary positions such as Canon Theologian of Birmingham and Guildford Cathedrals, Vice president of the Bible Society, and Associate lecturer at St Mellitus College, London and Trinity College, Bristol. She is a Reader in the Church of England and a member of General Synod.
Peter Harrison
Peter Harrison is an Historian and Director of the Centre of the History of European Discourses (CHED) at the University of Queensland. He has published extensively in the area of intellectual history with a focus on the philosophical, scientific, and religious thought of the early modern period. Peter is best known for a number of influential writings on religion and the origins of modern science. His books include, most recently, The Territories of Science and Religion, which also won the Aldersgate Prize, as well as Wrestling with Nature: From Omens to Science and The Cambridge Companion to Science and Religion, among others. Peter became the inaugural director of UQ’s Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in July 2015. In 2014 he was awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship to conduct a five-year research project exploring Science and Secularization.
Rico Tice
Rico Tice is senior minister of evangelism at All Soul’s Langham Place, London, and the founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. Christianity Explored is an independent UK Charity that produces courses and other materials to help people understand from the Bible who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him. Their materials have been translated into 20 languages and are being used in 60 countries in all kinds of churches. Rico is well known in the UK as a speaker at evangelical Christian conferences and an evangelist of national standing. He co-wrote Christianity Explored with Barry Cooper and presents the associated videos, and is also the author and co-author of a number of other books including Honest Evangelism and A Very Different Christmas.
Rodney Stark
The late Rodney Stark was an American sociologist of religion who was a long time Professor of Sociology and of Comparative Religion at the University of Washington. He was the Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences at Baylor University, co-director of the university’s Institute for Studies of Religion, and founding editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion. Rodney is one of sociology’s most prolific and important scholars of religion. He published 38 books, including The Rise of Christianity and the award-winning The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation and The Churching of America 1776–1990. Rodney has also written more than 160 scholarly articles on subjects as diverse as prejudice, crime, suicide, and city life in ancient Rome.
Sister Clare Nolan
Sr. Clare Nolan is the Congregational leader of the Sisters of Charity. With the Sisters, Clare was involved in running their outreach, a myriad of social services aimed at helping families, the poor and the disadvantaged. Clare was also the International Justice Training Coordinator for the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, which is involved in providing social services in about 70 counties, with a particular focus on women and girls in vulnerable situations. From 1996 to 2008, Clare served as the NGO representative for her congregation, working on policy and advocacy issues related to topics such as gender, poverty, trafficking, and violence against women and girls. She holds a master’s degree in social work and has a 25-year background in child welfare doing direct services with teenagers in residential care in New York City. The commitment of the congregation to mercy and reconciliation are the prompts that guide her spiritual journey.
Steven Skiena
Steven Skiena is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. He is a co-founder and the Chief Science Officer of General Sentiment, a social media and news analytics company. Analysis derived from this technology has been applied to several social science research projects, including financial forecasting and presidential election analysis. Skiena is the author of several popular books in the fields of algorithms, programming, and mathematics. The Algorithm Design Manual is widely used as an undergraduate text in algorithms and within the tech industry for job interview preparation. In his book Who’s Bigger?: Where Historical Figures Really Rank (co-written with Charles Ward), Skiena used quantitative data analysis to show that Jesus topped the list of the biggest names in human history.
Toby Hall
Toby Hall is the former CEO of St Vincent’s Health. Prior to this, Toby was CEO of Mission Australia—Australia’s largest national community welfare services organisation. During Toby’s leadership, Mission Australia established its Early Learning Services as well as Mission Australia Housing, and acquired ABC Childcare. Despite enjoying the fruits of economic success in his early life as an accountant with top-tier investment bank, Toby shifted his focus at 27 when he recognised the burden of unhappiness tied to wealth for wealth’s sake. Toby has an extensive background working as a senior executive in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Toby’s commitment to the poor and vulnerable, both in Australia and internationally, has seen him in leadership roles at World Vision and governance roles with two regional hospitals and health care services provider, Sterihealth.
Tom Greggs
Tom Greggs is a British theologian and the Marischal Professor of Divinity at the University of Aberdeen—one of the youngest Professors of Theology in the UK. Tom is the author of, among others, Theology against Religion: Constructive Dialogues with Bonhoeffer and Barth and Universal Salvation: Restoring Particularity; and is the editor of New Perspectives for Evangelical Theology and The Vocation of Theology Today. He serves on the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, and on the Faith and Order Committee of the Methodist Church. Tom is also a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church, and has given sermons around the world. Tom regularly leads Continuing Professional Development for clergy, and has appeared regularly on the radio. In his role as academic and preacher, Tom is committed to bridging the gap between church and academy.
Tom Price
Tom Price is an Academic Tutor at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA).Tom has spoken at universities and churches around the world. He lectures for HTB School of Theology and is regularly involved in outreach with university Christian Unions. Additionally, Tom has written for various media outlets and has appeared on Premier Christian Radio’s ‘Unbelievable?’. He was previously the Founding Editor of the website Tom is interested in worldview, culture, theology, missiology, apologetics, and philosophy of religion broadly. He is passionate about mission that engages with where people really are and the serious questions and objections they have about religious beliefs.
Vishal Mangalwadi
Vishal Mangalwadi is an Indian philosopher and social reformer, and founder of BOMI/Revelation Movement. Christianity Today calls Vishal Mangalwadi 'India’s foremost Christian intellectual.' Vishal has lectured in over 40 countries, and published seventeen books, including Truth and Transformation and The Book that Made Your World. Mangalwadi is also an evangelist and political activist in his home province of Uttar Pradesh. He has been held briefly in prison several times for his evangelism and social activism among India’s rural poor. In 1976, along with his wife, Ruth, he founded the Association for Comprehensive Rural Assistance, which aimed to serve the rural poor in India. His charity, Revelation Movement, is now helping others around the world to disciple nations through church and Internet-based education and use the media to present truth.