

Why the hard and holy work of passing on faith to our kids is of first importance and how we can do it better.

We live in a world that we are trying to impress. With our shiny social media feeds, curated content, impressive travel diaries and lavish LinkedIn profiles – many of us spend a good deal of time trying to be impressive to ourselves and our audience of choice.

But there is another role that we have been gifted and another impression we are encouraged to leave. In Deuteronomy 6 the people of Israel are given an encouragement to pass on faith – to ‘impress it upon their children.

What does this look like in our modern world? With busyness and blessing all around, the hard and holy work of passing on faith is at risk of being neglected in our homes.

This book by Ainsley Freeman is a call to the current cohort of parents to pass the baton of faith in a compelling, meaningful, and relevant way. It’s a call back to evangelism and sharing the good news with people we’ve been entrusted. We need to talk about and live our faith in a way that leaves an impression on the next generation.

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