Jesus the Game Changer 2 – Church Campaign Pack

Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $24.99.

The Church Campaign Pack provides you with a full suite of resources that your church can use to run a 6-week ‘To the Ends of the Earth’ series. When you register for the church campaign, you will be sent the Church Campaign Pack USB as well as gain access to some additional digital resources.

The USB that will be posted to you includes all 13 episodes of Jesus the Game Changer Season 2, along with sermon notes, children’s program, songs, resources and graphics for the 6 week series. Digital resources include video clips, sermons by Karl Faase and other promotional images.

The episodes/topics covered by the series aims to inspire your church into mission. The series covers the episodes of: Jesus, Paul & the Early Church, Persecution, Bible Translation, China and 20th Century Mission.

The discussion is available as a free app or you can order copies for your mid-week groups.

Optional extras:

– Episode USBs for small group use

click here to view

– Additional paperback Discussion Guides for small groups

click here to view

Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 Church Campaign Pack (USB)

The Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 Church Campaign Pack USB includes the 13 episodes, along with other resources for your church to run a 6-week series: sermon notes, children's program, songs, etc.

Campaign Details

  • YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Please tick all the apply

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SKU: JGC-S2-CCP-BUN Category: