Our latest release, Encounter, is now available on Watch+.

Across 10-episodes, host Karl Faase brings compelling and moving stories of people who met Jesus then and now.

Are you part of a group or church?

If you are doing an Olive Tree Media series and have been given an access code, this will enable you to sign up to Watch+ for free. Use the
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If you’d like some instructions, please go to the Access Code Help page.

Join Our Virtual Small Groups Night

In February 2025, we’re hosting two Encounter kick off nights. Register your group and join from home, church or wherever you gather along with groups across Australia. Host of the series, Karl Faase will join live to kick off Encounter groups starting in Term 1.

Equipping you to introduce people to Jesus

Olive Tree Media creates culturally relevant, compelling and informative media including documentaries, study guides, books, daily devotions and more.

“But I am like an olive tree, flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever”

Psalm 52:8

Karl Faase

CEO of Olive Tree Media and pastor for over 30 years. Karl is passionate about resourcing local churches by providing engaging and contemporary material for small groups, events and church services.

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