Telling the story of the game-changing message of Jesus
Jesus the Game Changer Seasons 1, 2, 3 are all available on our Watch+ Platform
Become a partner and get access to every episode of Jesus the Game Changer (plus all our other series). In addition, our platform also has all our discussion guide content and questions for use in your personal study or in a group context. Depending on your level of support, you can also share access with others who can watch and interact for free.
Season 1 Trailer
Jesus the Game Changer Season One is a 10 part documentary series on how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Karl Faase travels to the US, UK, Australia, Singapore and India interviewing over 30 authors, speakers and modern-day game changers. It is a documentary that can be used in churches, small groups or education settings. There is a discussion guide, book, children’s book and church pack available.
Season 2 Trailer
Watch the trailer for the sequel to the award-winning documentary Jesus the Game Changer. Season 2 tells stories of those who took the gospel message, risking danger and death, to ensure people heard to the ends of the earth? Follow along as Karl speaks to over 50 guests around the world about how and why the gospel spread to become a truly global faith. Be inspired by stories of faith and courage of those who went to the ends of the earth, and consider what it looks like now to take the gospel from everywhere, to everywhere.
Season 3 Trailer
Jesus the Game Changer season 3 is a different in style and approach to previous series, focusing on the story of one or two guests and sharing in more detail these lives that Jesus has changed. They include Dr Billy Kim from South Korea, Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh who were jailed in Iran for distributing Bibles, Hassan John a church leader from Nigeria and Eddie Arthur a Bible translator from the UK.
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Running a church-wide series?
We’ve designed a whole host of resources for churches to use including sermon notes, video clips, children’s program and more. This adapts the 10 or 13 week series into a 6-week Church-Wide Campaign that you can run across your services, small groups, children and youth programs.
When you access our Watch+ Platform at a ‘church’ level, you will have access to these additional resources.